The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

The following is a transcript for the episode "Señor Class".


Paramount Global The quotations in the following transcript are owned by Paramount and are an exception to The Loud House Encyclopedia's CC-BY-SA license. This transcript is provided in full as a source of review and reference, which likely falls under fair use.

[Inside the mercado, Bobby is working his sticker gun, and Ronnie Anne is reading her schoolbook. When suddenly Rosa runs in chasing Carl, she grabs him offscreen.]
Rosa: [Picks Carl up by his backpack, Carl squirming.] "Carl, upstairs now! You have to study for your test tomorrow."
Carl: [Clutches his stomach] "Ooh! Ow! My sciatica! I don't think I can go to school tomorrow."
Rosa: "Carl, your sciatica's in your back. See? That's why you need school."
Ronnie Anne: "At least you don't have to do long division, more like long and boring division."
Hector: "Ay, chamacos, you don't know how good you have it, you're lucky you get to go to school. Mira," [Points to an old photo of him and Sergio at a young age.] "I only got to go to school for a few years before I started helping mi familia, at our tiendita."
[In the time of the photo, Hector gives a customer her groceries.]
Female Customer: "Gracias, Hector."
[She leaves]
Young Sergio: "Have a groovy day."
[Back to the present]
Sergio: "We were lookin' fly."
Hector: "Our first store is where I fell in love with the fast-paced mercado life, but I always dreamed about going back and finishing school, I think it's a little too late now."
Ronnie Anne: "But it's never too late, Abuelo."
Bobby: "Yeah, you have plenty of free time now, I run the mercado in the afternoons."
Sergio: "Into the ground." [Bobby gives him a dirty look.] "Ah! JK!" [Flies off]
Bobby: "And Tía Frida's always volunteering to take shifts."
Hector: "Well, I uh, I'll think about it."
[Meanwhile, Carl escapes Rosa.]
Carl: "You'll never take me alive!" [Carl makes a run for the door, but Rosa throws her shoe and closes it, Carl smashes into it and falls over.] "My sciatica."

[The next morning, Ronnie Anne grabs her's and Carl's lunch bags off the counter and gives Carl his. Hector runs up with one of his own.]
Hector: "Guess what! I just got off the phone with your principal."
Carl: [Defensive] "I didn't do it! It was like that when I got there!"
Hector: "Calmate Carl, she didn't call for you this time."
Carl: "Phew."
Hector: [Takes various foods out of the fridge, and puts them in his lunch bag.] "I worked out a deal, and long story short, I'm enrolled at your school."
Ronnie Anne: "That's awesome."
Carl: "Nice."
Rosa: [Comes up behind Hector] "Ay, Hector, that lunch is too small, you'll starve." [Takes out a dinosaur briefcase overflowing with food.] "Take this."
Hector: "Dinosaurs! My favorite." [Whispers to the kids] "And if either of you got pudding, I call tradesies."
Mrs. Galiano: "We have a new student today class, say hello to Hector Casagrande!!"
Ronnie Anne: [Whispers to Sid] "I didn't realize Abuelo would be in our class."
Sid: "Aww, but look how excited he is."
[Hector has a very excited expression.]
Ronnie Anne: [Still a little weirded out.] "You're right, everything will be fine."
[Hector sits next to Ronnie Anne, and flatulates big time, Ronnie Anne gags.]
Hector: "Sorry, I forgot to take my 'Gas-Away' medication today."
Mrs. Galiano: "Now, let's start our math work." [Writes an equation on the board.] "Who can help me solve this equation?"
Hector: [Raises his hand] "Oh, Ronalda knows that, she gets her smarts from me!"
[Ronnie Anne looks at Hector, who gives her two thumbs up, and passes gas again.]

[Later in the halls, Carl opens his locker, which is full of tortas.]
Carl: "Step right up for Great Lakes City's freshest and yummiest tortas!"
[Lots of students gather around, including Casey, Sameer and Nikki. They buy torta's from Carl, when suddenly...]
Hector: "Good thinking mijo, selling the week-old tortas from the mercado?" [Heads off] "Ha, he gets his business smarts from me."
[Hector walks off.]
Torta Student: "What, week old?"
[He goes and throws up, the other students leave.]
Carl: "What? No, don't listen to him, they're fine, see?"
[Laughs nervously and bites into one of the tortas, but then also goes to throw up.]

[Later in class, Hector is gossiping with one of the students.]
Hector: "No, shut up!" [Ronnie Anne walks by as Hector is writing something.] "Psst, Ronnie Anne, I've got the juiciest news." [Ronnie Anne sits at her desk, and Hector folds his note into a plane.] "Chisme coming in hot."
[He throws the note at Ronnie Anne, she looks at it, when suddenly the teacher snatches it.]
Mrs. Galiano: "If this note is so important, maybe the whole class should hear it." [She reads it out loud.] "Mrs. Galiano has a crush on Mr. Suarez." [Gasps] "I do not! Ronnie Anne, I will see you after class."
[Mrs. Galiano walks off, angry. And Ronnie Anne looks at Hector, furious. He sinks.]

[In the halls, Hector is struggling to get his locker open, when Rosa walks up.]
Hector: "Why won't you open?"
Rosa: "Here, Hector, let me do it." [She puts her husband aside, and elbows the locker open, and gives Hector a brown bag.] "You left your 'Gas-Away' medication at home."
[Hector kisses her on the cheek, and notices something else in the bag.]
Hector: "What's this?"
Rosa: [Whispers] "Hector, give those to Carl later."
Hector: "Oh." [Rosa walks off, and Hector takes out a pair of Carl's underwear, and shouts to him, even though he's right there, with a number of students.] "Carl, you forgot to change your chonies this morning!"
Carl: [Grabs them, as the students start laughing.] "Abuelo!!!" [Runs off, then groans.]
Hector: [Not realizing how much he embarrassed Carl.] "You're welcome."

[Next, Hector is doing a presentation on his family tree.]
Hector: "This is the family tree of Los Casagrandes, on my father's side of mi familia, I have a great-great-grandfather," [reveals a photo of said relative.] "who rode with Pancho Villa." [Everyone oohs, Ronnie Anne is confided.] "And, on my mama's side, I have an abuelo, who helped build a railroad in México," [reveals a photo of him] he was Chinese."
Sid: [Whispers to Ronnie Anne.] "Hey, did you know that?"
Ronnie Anne: "No way, that's so cool."
[The girls do a fist bump and Hector continues.]
Hector: [Reveals a photo of himself at a younger age.] "And this handsome guy is me, I'm an Abuelo too," [Reveals a baby photo of Ronnie Anne, with a full diaper.] "Ronnie Anne's grandpa!" [Ronnie Anne gasps at the photo. Hector laughs a little.] "When Ronnie Anne was a baby, she had the cutest little pompis, and she used to go toot, toot, toot! Toot, toot!"
[Hector wiggles his huge butt, and as most of Ronnie Anne's classmates laugh, this laughter echoes in Ronnie Anne's and Sid's brain with embarrassment, filling Ronnie Anne with humiliation.]

[Later that night, Carl and Ronnie Anne are in her room, sulking.]
Ronnie Anne: "Ugh, I don't know how I'll ever live down the pompis tooting disaster."
Carl: "I know, and I thought I had it bad with everyone calling me "Carl Casa-chonies".[makes air quotes for emphasis]"
Sergio: [Pops in the window] "Ooh, that's gonna stick." [flies in] "♫ Carl Casa-chonies! Carl Casa-chonies! ♫"
Carl: [Growls and chases Sergio out.] "SHUT UP, BIRD! Abuelo going back to school was a terrible idea!"
Ronnie Anne: "I know, but how are we gonna get him to drop out?"
Carl: "It's gonna be tough, Abuelo loves school." [Gets an idea] "Ooh, but there is something he loves more."
Sergio: [Pops back in] "His Carl Casa-chonies?"
Carl: "SERGIO!"

[The next morning, Hector is in the living room tuning his guitar. Carl and Ronnie Anne peer around the corner.]
Carl: "Things are looking good, I think our plan worked."
[They come out to greet their abuelo.]
Ronnie Anne: "Abuelo, what's going on? Aren't you coming to school?"
Hector: "I can't, it's the strangest thing. My band's been booked, for three weddings, four quinceaneras, and a funeral. So, I won't be coming back to school anytime soon."
Ronnie Anne: [Herself and Carl already at the door.] "Ohh, what a shame."
Carl: "I wonder why the sudden boom in business, but remember I get twenty-five percent per booking."
[They leave]

[At school, they walk up to Carl's torta locker.]
Carl: "Today is gonna be awesome." [Carl opens his torta locker, which now has a sign advertising the tortas being only one day old. And clears his throat.] "Fresh tortas for sale; Now with no mold!"
Hector: "I'll take two."
[The kids look and see Hector run up to them, tired and sweaty.]
Ronnie Anne: "Abuelo, what are you doing here?"
Hector: [Pants] "I had to change in a hurry, and run all the way to school, to get here in time."
Carl: "What about your band's gigs?"
Hector: "Tu abuela refused to write me an absent note, she said I couldn't skip school to go play music with my friends."
Carl: "Aw, man."
Hector: [Puts his arms around them] "I know, but on the bright side, I get to hang out with my school pals!"
[Hector hugs them, suffocating them.]

[After school, Carl and Ronnie Anne enter Amores Pizza.]
Ronnie Anne: "What? Are we drowning our sorrows in pizza?"
Carl: "No, we're gonna make sure Abuelo wins that raffle." [Points to said raffle] "The prize is a free trip to Italy, he'd be out of our school for the rest of the semester."
Ronnie Anne: "Yeah but, he's got like a million and one chance of winning."
Carl: "Ugh, you gotta think outside the box, and stuff the box." [Takes out three raffle tickets.] "Now for a distraction."
[Carl takes out a dodgeball, and knocks Ronnie Anne offscreen.]
Waiter: "Hey! I have to clean that up you know."
[He goes over to Ronnie Anne, and Carl stuffs the raffle box with tickets with Hector written on them. Carl walks off, and Vito walks by but stops in front of the box to read the menu. Unfortunately for Carl, Big Tony and Little Sal also wanna go to Italy, Tony eats all the raffle tickets, and Sal puts their own tickets in]
Vito: "Huh?"
[Carl sits at a table, followed by his spaghetti-covered prima.]
Carl: "There, now in a few minutes they'll draw one of the one-thousand Abuelo entries and it'll be bon voyage to Abuelo."
Waiter: "And the winner of the raffle is..." [Takes a ticket out at random.] "Vito, Big Tony, and Little Sal."
[Carl and Ronnie Anne gasp.]
Vito: "Huh? What? I didn't even know we entered that."
[The dachshunds' grin at each other, and Tony belches up one of the one-thousand Hector tickets.]
Carl: [Growls, and crushes a baguette in his hand.] "Didn't wanna have to use my last trick, but it's now or never."

[Back at the apartment, Hector is asleep on the couch. Carl and Ronnie Anne look from behind it, and Carl dumps a bag of rice on Hector.]
Carl: [Panicky] "Abuelo! Wake up! You've got lice in your hair."
Hector: [Gets up with a start] "What?! Lice?!" [Starts scratching]
Carl: "Aw, such a shame you won't be able to come to school."
Rosa: "Hector, You have piojos!" [Rosa puts a dog cone on Hector's neck, he continues scratching, and Rosa gets between him and her grandkids.] "Mis ninos, get away from him." [Sprays Hector, but then realizes] "Hector these aren't piojos, it's rice. Cochino, you just didn't shower right this morning, look at all the food in your hair!" [Blows a hairdryer at Hector to clean out the rice, much to the dismay of Carl and Ronnie Anne; to them, while putting rice in a bowl.] "By the way, we're having rice for dinner."
[Carl and Ronnie Anne are revolted.]

[Later, Carl and Ronnie Anne are in the laundry room.]
Carl: "Okay, I have another idea, we need a net, a burrito, and lot of tape."
Ronnie Anne: "No Carl, I think we'll go with my plan." [Takes out a laptop]
Carl: "Is that the mercado's laptop?"
Ronnie Anne: "Yup," [enters the password] "the only way to get Abuelo out of school, is to get him back to the mercado. So we need the mercado to have a little situation."
[Carl laughs maniacally]

[The next day at school, Carl and Ronnie Anne are walking along, when Frida runs by, panicking.]
Frida: "Ah! Hector help! There's a mercado emergency!"
Hector: [Comes out of the boys room.] "Frida! What happened?"
Frida: "I don't know, but the deliveries are all mixed up." [Turns, revealing two lobsters clasping her butt.] "The lobsters escaped, and they're eating the caviar."
Hector: "¡Ay, chihuahua! We don't sell lobsters and caviar."
[The two of them run past Carl and Ronnie Anne, the lobsters chasing them. Carl and Ronnie Anne laugh and high five.]

[After school, Carl and Ronnie Anne arrive back home.]
Ronnie Anne: "Okay, I hate to say it, but school without Abuelo was awesome."
Carl: [Counting a huge wad of cash] "I'll say, my torta sales were through the roof."
[They enter the mercado and gasp at the state it's in as Sergio flies past carrying a heavy box of mangoes. Bobby is rocking in the corner sucking his thumb, Carl's mom is fending off the lobsters with the flash on her camera.]
Frida: "Back, you hard-shelled beasts!"
Maybelle: [Surrounded by boxes] "I have no idea where I am."
Carl: "And from the looks of it, he won't be coming back anytime soon."
Hector: [Confused, behind the counter which is overflowing with loofahs.] "I don't understand! How could the deliveries have gotten this messed up? There are like, one thousand loofahs."
Maybelle: [Attempting to fight a lobster with a broom. The lobster is holding a mango.] "Give me back that mango!"
[While Maybelle attacks the lobster, the broom hits the floor, knocking off the picture of Hector as a kid in the mercado. Ronnie Anne grabs the photo before it hits the floor.]
Carl: "What?"
Ronnie Anne: "Look."
[They look at the picture and compare it to what was happening at the moment. Hector is at the counter while Sergio struggles to carry a mango box, then drops it.]
Ronnie Anne: "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
Carl: "That Sergio looks horrible in a bowl cut?" [laughs]
Ronnie Anne: "No. We're crushing Abuelo's dreams of finishing school all over again. We're awful people."
Carl: "You're right. We gotta fix this."
Ronnie Anne: "Abuelo, we have something to tell you. We mixed up all of the mercado deliveries so you would have to miss school."
Hector: "What? Why?"
Ronnie Anne: "It's just that... you were embarrassing us."
Carl: " Like, really bad, a man's chonies are private."
Ronnie Anne: "But we should've been more understanding. We're sorry, Abuelo."
Carl: "Yeah. Please come back to school!"
Hector: "Well, chamacos, I wish you'd talked to me before you ordered the fanciest items on the Internets. But it's OK, I actually missed being at the mercado, and school wasn't easy. The kids teased me when I fell asleep at lunch. Give me a second." [Hector turns around, revealing a drawing that Ronnie Anne and Carl laugh at.]
Sergio: "Hmm, funny drawing, but not as funny as Carl Casa-choni-AH!!" [Rosa opens the door with tons of books, crushing Sergio.]
Rosa: "Hector, your teacher said you skipped school today! Well, you're not getting out of doing your homework. I picked up your lesson from Mrs. Galiano."
Ronnie Anne: "That's it! Abuelo, I know how you can finish school without giving up the mercado. And don't worry, Carl and I will take care of this mess. It's the least we can do."

[Rosa, Sergio and Hector are in the apartment. Rosa is teaching Hector and Sergio.]
Rosa: "Welcome to homeschool, class! I am Maestra Casagrande, and today we're going to be studying-" [Notices Hector passing a note to Sergio as they shush each other.] "Hector, Sergio, If this note is so important, maybe the whole class should hear it."
Hector and Sergio: "Uh oh."

v - e - d The Casagrandes episode transcripts